Financial Technologies

International Financial Technologies

FULL PSD: How the New EU Payment Directive Threatens Russia – In Brief Key provisions of the PSD2 directive. The most significant consequences of their implementation. The threat to the Russian Federation. Summary of a full analysis.

Analysis of the European Commission’s PSD2 Directive – Revised Payment Services Directive
Reshaping the global payments market. The US “Plan B”. The threat to sovereign states. Possible countermeasures. The stylistic presentation of the material is figurative and colloquial.

PSD2 Directive – In Brief
Summary of the European Commission’s PSD2 directive in 2 pages of text in Russian. The full text of the directive – 150 pages in English. Link to the official website with the full text.

Creating a Payment Processing Center
General description. Obtaining a PSP license. Necessary software. Certification and membership in VISA / MasterCard. Our turnkey launch offer.

Creation of an Electronic Wallet / Obtaining an EMI License – Electronic Money Institution
General description. Areas of application. Obtaining an EMI license. Necessary software. Certification and membership in VISA / MasterCard. Our turnkey launch offer.

Obtaining a Payment Institution (PI) License
General description. Areas of application. The procedure for obtaining a PI license. Opportunities provided by the license. Our turnkey launch offer.

Creation of a Digital Bank
Digital Bank based on an EMI license. Card issuance. SWIFT and SEPA integration. FATCA lists. Opening of correspondent accounts. Our turnkey launch offer.

Opening a Bank Offshore
Opening disposable banks in notorious offshore jurisdictions. Turnkey offer.

Transferring Funds to Offshore Accounts
Legal methods of contributing authorized capital / capitalization to new offshore companies.

Investment Support and Assistance in Obtaining Investments
Offer to use our network of clients and partners to obtain investment funding.

Utilization of Bank Licenses in Light of the PSD2 Directive for Maximum Profit
Our offer for the most profitable use of banking licenses from 3rd and 4th tier banks that are under threat of license revocation. The most advantageous offer within the legal framework. Functionality is fully removed from the Russian Federation.

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